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  • Tiếng Việt

Hue relic sites welcome more than 113.000 visitors during September 2nd holiday

During the 4-day National Day holiday on September 2, the relic sites of the Hue Imperial City welcomed nearly 99,000 visitors, and Hai Van Quan welcomed nearly 15,000 visitors.

Mr. Hoang Viet Trung, Director of the Hue Monuments Conservation Center, said that on September 2, the relic sites of the Hue Monuments Complex opened free of charge to all Vietnamese people and tourists, and the Hue relic sites welcomed 66,000 Vietnamese visitors.

On the same day, more than 2,000 international visitors visited the relic sites, with revenue from ticket sales of over VND357 million.

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Tourists lined up to visit Hue Imperial City on September 2 (Photo: Dinh Hoang).

Being the peak day of the holiday, September 2, most hotels in Hue city center, coastal resorts, lagoons and waterfalls, and homestays in Phu Loc and A Luoi districts were almost at maximum room capacity.

During the 4-day National Day holiday on September 2 (from August 30 to September 2), Hue ancient capital relic sites welcomed nearly 99,000 visitors; Hai Van Quan relic site attracted nearly 15,000 visitors. Revenue from ticket sales to visit relic sites reached 4.75 billion VND.

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Many roads and bridges leading to Hue relic sites are packed with vehicles on the occasion of September 2nd (Photo: Dinh Hoang).

According to the Office of the People’s Committee of Thua Thien Hue province, from January 1 to September 2, the locality welcomed more than 2 million visitors, including nearly 855,000 international visitors. Revenue from tourism reached over 318.4 billion VND.



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