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Huong Giang Tourist Joint Stock Company (HGT) organized the Annual General Shareholders Meeting (GSM) in 2019 (fiscal year 2018)

In the afternoon of May 31, 2019 in Hue, HGT organized the Annual GSM 2019 to announce the business performance in 2018 and the plan for 2019 to the shareholders of the Company.

Overview of the Annual GSM 2019 of HGT

Attending the meeting include:

– Mr. Yukio Takahashi – Chairman of Huong Giang Tourist Joint Stock Company.

– Mr. Johnny Fu – BOM Member,  General Director of Huong Giang Tourist Company and other members of the BOM, BOS and BOD of the Company and representatives of businesses, guests and shareholders of HGT.

Mr. Ho Van Toai reported to the Meeting the result of Shareholder’s Examination

At the meeting, Mr Ho Van Toai – on behalf of the Board of Shareholders’ Examination, he reported results before the Congress. Accordingly:

– Total qualified shareholders who are convened to attend the meeting according to the list of Asia Pacific Securities Joint Stock Company finalized on 3 May 2019 as 204 shareholders.

– The total number of shareholders / authorized representatives of shareholders present at the Annual General Meeting of 31 May 2019 is 65 shareholders.

+ Total number of shares of shareholders / authorized representatives of shareholders present at the meeting at the opening time is 19.356.200 shares, meeting attendance rate is 96.78%.

According to clause 1, Article 18 of the Charter of HGT: “GSM shall be conducted only when the number of attending shareholders represents at least 51% of the voting shares.” Thus, The Annual of GSM 2019 of HGT  is eligible to proceed.

The Meeting agreed to approve: The list of Chair of meeting and the Secretary of the meeting, agenda of the meeting, the regulation of organizing the GSM. Specifically, the Board of Chair and the Secretary to include the following:

+ Board of chair of the meeting includes:

–  Mr. Yukio Takahashi – Chairman of the Board

–  Mr. Johnny Fu – BOM Member, General Director;

–  Mr. Le Ba Giang – BOM Member, Deputy General Director.

–  Mr. Go Fujiyama – BOM Member

+ Secretary of the Meeting includes:

–  Mr. Nguyen Cong Thuy – BOM’s Secretary;

–  Ms. Truong Thi Quynh Tram – Specialist of Human Resource Department;

–  Mr. Nguyen Phuoc Quy Thinh – BOD’s Secretary.

Mr. Le Ba Giang represented the summary of activities of the Board of Directors, General Director and presentation of the Report related to the Company’s business results to shareholders in 2018

In the report of the Board of Directors Mr. Le Ba Giang – BOM Member, Deputy General Director  summarized the highlights of HGT activities in 2018.

He presented what has been done and the difficulties that HGT units have encountered. Total net revenue reached: 86,126 million dongs, increased 5,67% compared to annual 2017 and increased 3,80% compared to plan 2018. Before-tax profit of 3,728 million, increased 26% compared to the plan 2018 and increased 162.43% compared to annual 2017.

Total revenue of the company’s own report in 2018 reached 48,366 million dongs, increased 13,10%  compared to annual 2017 and increased 10,78%  compared to plan 2018. Before-tax profit is VND (- 1,157) million,. Reason: as in 2018, joint-venture units retains profits for reinvestment and do not distribute profits to Huong Giang Company. The profit plan from joint ventures in 2018 is VND8,647 million;

The Meeting also listened to Mr. Le Ba Giang presenting Statement No. 1: Audit report for 2018 and the plan for 2019;

According to Mr. Le Ba Giang, Based on the general business strategy of the Board of Management, business results of 2018 and business capacity of each unit, the Board of Directors of the Company has developed the general plan for the company as follows: Net revenue: 94,380 million dong, profit after tax: 7,231 million dong.

He also presented the status of implementation of projects of the Company and concluded that: Actively work with competent agencies to complete legal procedures and implement
projects on schedule. Complete the investment plan at 11 Le Loi (Festival Restaurant). Persistently seek appropriate solutions to liquidate the Saigon Morin hotel joint venture contract to renovate and organize business.

He also stressed about take care of employees’ life; improve employees’ welfare on the basis of improving labor productivity and business efficiency.

Mr. Ho Minh Quoc – Head of BOS presented the results, the BOS activities were carried out in 2018, the task of 2019
Mr. Jonhny Fu – HGT General Director made a speech and invited Shareholders to comment.

Shareholders are discussing the contents of the Meeting

Mr. Le Ba Giang announced to vote

Mr. Le Ba Giang spoke at the congress to through the board of vote counting and voting

Mr. Ngo Duc Chinh The Head of the board of vote counting announced the vote counting results
Mr. Nguyen Cong Thuy – BOM’s Secretary presented minutes and resolutions of the Meeting

The Meeting agreed to approve the Content of the Minutes and Resolution of the Annual GSM of the Company in 2019.

Mr. Le Ba Giang concluded at the Meeting

Summary of the meeting, Mr. Le Ba Giang – BOM Member, Deputy General Director said:

The Annual General shareholder Meeting of Huong Giang Company in 2019 (fiscal year 2018) has been carried out in accordance with the procedures prescribed by the Enterprise Law and the Company’s charter. The meeting has completed the content program set out.

The Board of Chair of the meeting sincerely thanks the shareholders who have encouraged and shared the difficulties of the Company over the past time. Now, I would like to announce the closing of the Annual General shareholder Meeting of Huong Giang Company in 2019 (the fiscal year 2018).

Wishing you and your family good health, happiness and success.

Thank you!.

Huong Giang Tourist

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